
Innovation Team
Last activity: 21 Jun 2023 11:30 EDT
externalize stream as kafka service on ibm liberty
We were still configuring the stream service as external Kafka on ibm liberty server. The following error occurred after running pega with configured prconfig.xml by the documentation.
the documentation link -->
We turned on the debug.
We tried many things but the Kafka service name does not get set. can look at the shared configuration files.
We successfully created a Kafka instance on dev studio with the same broker connection so also shared the Kafka client properties file.
I don't know why Pega doesn't allow to use of the same file when configuring external Kafka as a stream.
I believe it is not a good practice to just bound up with prconfig.xml while can configure the connection via the Kafka instance on dev studio.
-------------------------------Added new lines to prconfig.xml -----------------------------------
We were still configuring the stream service as external Kafka on ibm liberty server. The following error occurred after running pega with configured prconfig.xml by the documentation.
the documentation link -->
We turned on the debug.
We tried many things but the Kafka service name does not get set. can look at the shared configuration files.
We successfully created a Kafka instance on dev studio with the same broker connection so also shared the Kafka client properties file.
I don't know why Pega doesn't allow to use of the same file when configuring external Kafka as a stream.
I believe it is not a good practice to just bound up with prconfig.xml while can configure the connection via the Kafka instance on dev studio.
-------------------------------Added new lines to prconfig.xml -----------------------------------
<!-- Provide bootstrap servers --> <env name="services/stream/broker/url" value="*************:9092" /> <!-- Optional: provide desired replication factor. By default, we will set replication factor equal to the number of brokers in the previous setting --> <!-- Available from 8.4.1 onwards --> <env name="services/stream/external/replication/factor" value="2"/>
<!-- Security protocol --> <!-- Set stream provider as external Kafka --> <env name="services/stream/provider" value="ExternalKafka"/> <!-- Provide bootstrap servers --> <env name="services/stream/encryption/security/protocol" value="SASL_PLAINTEXT"/> <env name="services/stream/encryption/sasl/mechanism" value="GSSAPI"/> <env name="dnode/kafka/producer/" value="kafka"/> <env name="dnode/kafka/consumer/" value="kafka"/> <env name="services/stream/encryption/sasl/jaas/config" value=" required debug=true credsType=both useKeytab='/ibm/servers/pega/PegaConfig/usrpegakafka_PGA.keytab' principal='******@****';"/> <env name="services/stream/name/pattern" value="pega_{}"/>
--------------------------------- debug message ------------------------------------------------------------------
Thanks in advance.
***Edited by Moderator Marije to change Content Type from Discussion to Question; added capability tags***