Last activity: 26 Jun 2019 11:11 EDT
Expandable Rows not displaying properly in IE 11
I am having problems with expandable rows in IE11 in Pega 8.1. In my application, I have created a Paragraph inside a Dynamic Layout. This layout is is a Section, called from a Flow Action in a Expandable Row. In IE11, the paragraph is not wrapping the words and the text is shown in a single line that is breaking the screen limits. When I use google chrome, it´s working fine.
I tried the solution posted in this question , but it didn't work for the paragraphs inside Expandable rows.
I have also tried to follow the steps in SA-44329 , changing the layout mode from "Flex-Box" to "Inline-Block", but I can't find the "layout mode" option in the presentation tab. Is that because I am using Pega 8.1? Is there a way to perform this change in Pega 8?
***Edited by Moderator: Lochan to update platform capability tags***