EWS Integration: SyncState truncated
we've enable calendar syncronization on Pega (Pega Platform 7.2.2 with SalesAutomation 7.22), exposed property Syncstate (SQL Server 2014 varchar(8000)) but SyncState is truncated, we tried to set varchar(MAX) but when testing database table we have the following error:
Class Data-Admin-Operator-ID is mapped to table PegaDATA.pr_operators in database PegaDATA.
This is an internal class. You may access the class with Obj- activity methods.
Warning: Class Data-Admin-Operator-ID is mapped to table pr_operators which contains both BLOB and CLOB column types. The table should only contain either CLOB or BLOB columns, not both.
can you suggest a way to avoid saving truncated syncstate on DB?
thank you