
Swedbank AB
Last activity: 3 Jul 2019 8:19 EDT
Eventing in Pega 7.2.1
We have a requirement where case worker will perform a action in windows .net application and we need to search for a member in case worker portal. For this implementation we thought that we will publish a service from PEGA application which will be invoked by the windows application. The windows application will pass customer number and case worker id. Using this information we can publish a event to the case worker with customer number. Case worker will subscribe to the event and do the needful once received the event notification.
But in PEGA 7.2.1 I don't find any way to register event, publish and subscribe the event. So is it possible to register event , publish and subscribe the event in pega 7.2.1. If yes can you re-direct me to some documentation how to achieve this.
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