
The Bank of Nova Scotia
Last activity: 26 Jun 2024 7:27 EDT
Error starting up stream node after installing Pega Infinity 24
Hi, I was encountering an error while starting Pega 24.1 (vm based installation). When I was starting Jboss, I got an error related to the Stream Service initialization. I was having only one node of type "Universal"
ERROR - Startup Task: [INITIALIZE_STREAM_SERVICE] has failed after retries or with error
After searching in Pega community, I got to know that from Infinity 23 onwards, Pega is expecting that it would be using external kafka as default and since I am not using external kafka, I have to explicitly set below setting in prconfig.xml
<env name="services/stream/provider" value="Internal"/>
After setting the above, the node successfully came up.
However, my question is, can I use DSS instead of prconfig to make same change and will it still work? I am planning to add below DSS-
Owning Ruleset: "Pega-Engine"
Setting Purpose: "prconfig/services/stream/provider/default"
Value: "Internal"
Thank you in advance for any comment/suggestion.