
Last activity: 26 Feb 2017 22:48 EST
Enforced Auto Completes
Has anyone developed a reusable control that enforces auto complete selection? My problem scenario is below.
The auto complete is sourced by D_CompanyDetails, allows searching by ID, City, or Name, and sets the .SelectedCompanyID property to the value of .CompanyID.
CompanyID City Name
1234 Chicago Pizza Hut
Has anyone developed a reusable control that enforces auto complete selection? My problem scenario is below.
The auto complete is sourced by D_CompanyDetails, allows searching by ID, City, or Name, and sets the .SelectedCompanyID property to the value of .CompanyID.
CompanyID City Name
1234 Chicago Pizza Hut
5678 Detroit Little Ceasars
My problem is that nothing out of box enforces that a valid value is selected. For example, I could type in 9999 and tab off and my .SelectedCompanyID property would have an invalid value (9999 does not exist). Likewise, I could type in "Pizza Hut" and if I did not specifically arrow down and click enter on the "Pizza Hut" option, it would not set my .SelectedCompanyID to "1234". It would have the invalid value of "Pizza Hut".
I am able to create a when rule/activity that checks that my .SelectedCompanyID exists in the D_CompanyDetails data page, and force the user to select a valid value, however the problem with this is that the solution only works for this one scenario. The next time that I need to use an auto complete for something else, I have to create another activity/when rule to handle the validation.
Ideally a control would exist that does this for free. I'm only currently worried about data page sourced auto completes, however in the perfect world, the solution would also validate against the other sourcing options as well.
If the data set was small, I could enforce this with a dropdown. For a data set with thousands of records, this is not feasible.