Duplicate case search, Set CaseMatchRuleName
Our service cases are instantiated directly from work- classes. There is no Case Type rule defined.
Now, I want to perform duplicate service cases search by using the OTB flow Work-.pyDuplicateSearchCases
I created a Case Match rule 'CMDupCases' with Case Matching Type 'Seek Cases' in my work class.
How does the OTB duplicate search flow know which case match rule to use? For a regular case type, the Case Type rule pyDefault, 'Processes' tab, 'Case match' section, there's a field for property .pyCaseMatchName
Activity @baseclass.pyDuplicateSearchCases, java step 2:
CaseMatchName= pp.getString("CaseMatchRuleName");
When and where is the string "CaseMatchRuleName" set? I don't see a property with this name.