
Common Wealth Bank
Last activity: 30 Mar 2017 9:50 EDT
DSS value configured is not picking correctly
I am working on multinode evironment. In one node the DSS Value configured is picking correctly and on other node the changes are not reflecting.
Ex : i have configured xxxx value first time. Later i updated and have configured yyyyy value second time.
The system is still picking the xxxx value in one node but other node yyyy value is picking. If i clear the cache then it is picking the yyyy value other node which is having issue.
What would be the reason for this behaviour ? As both the nodes are configured to the same DB why was the DSS picking differently in both nodes ?
***Updated by Moderator: Marissa to update categories***
***Updated by moderator: Lochan to add SR details***
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Accepted Solution

Common Wealth Bank
This issue is resolved as part of the SR-B36268. The issue is because of migration from 6.X to 7.X has not be done in a proper way.

Common Wealth Bank
Also, i have observed that some of the D pages which are referencing to these DSS are also not getting refreshed/updated. when i tried to remove the D page from the sma i am facing the below error.
Also, i have observed that some of the D pages which are referencing to these DSS are also not getting refreshed/updated. when i tried to remove the D page from the sma i am facing the below error.
Exception during engine invocation:
java.lang.ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException: 1
at sun.reflect.NativeMethodAccessorImpl.invoke0(Native Method)
at sun.reflect.NativeMethodAccessorImpl.invoke(
at sun.reflect.DelegatingMethodAccessorImpl.invoke(
at java.lang.reflect.Method.invoke(
at com.pega.pegarules.session.internal.engineinterface.etier.impl.EngineImpl._invoke_privact(
at com.pega.pegarules.session.internal.PRSessionProviderImpl.performTargetActionWithLock(
at com.pega.pegarules.session.internal.PRSessionProviderImpl.doWithRequestorLocked(
at com.pega.pegarules.session.internal.PRSessionProviderImpl.doWithRequestorLocked(
at com.pega.pegarules.session.internal.engineinterface.etier.impl.EngineImpl._invokeEngine_privact(
at com.pega.pegarules.session.internal.engineinterface.etier.impl.EngineImpl.invokeEngine(
at com.pega.pegarules.session.internal.engineinterface.etier.impl.EngineImpl.invokeEngine(

Virtusa IT Consulting
Some DSS settings require server restart after you update them, have you restarted the node where updated value yyyy?
Can you mention the DSS here?

Aaseya IT Services Pvt Ltd
You may have to restart the server by clearing cache. Also, did you check the Pega Pulse agent is up and running?

Common Wealth Bank
Hi baigh,
The DSS values will be updated and set by the system when ever a soap call is happened it will update the time value into that DSS. On one node the update happened is visible and on other node the update is not getting .
when i open the dss it has the updated value and when i wrote a test activity and verified the dss value by using show-Property. It have returned different value. Anly clue for such behaviour ?
As i said earlier both nodes are pointing to same db and Also the pega pulse agent is up and running for every minute.
Srikanth J

Common Wealth Bank
Appriciate if any qucik help on this issue.

Pegasystems Inc.
Could be some issue with system pulse as well. Can you confirm your pulse is running properly ?

Common Wealth Bank
Thanks Santa,
System pulse is running. PFA

Pegasystems Inc.
I think this might require some more detailed troubleshooting using some diagnostic patch or log analysis.
May be creating a service request with GCS can help further on this.

Pegasystems Inc.
Hi Srikanth,
Please let us know the SR number if you create one with Pega Support.
Lochan | Community Moderator | Pegasystems Inc.

Common Wealth Bank
SR-B36268 is created for this issue

Running Pega 7.2 I am experienceing the same issues. DSS values updated on one node does not reflect updated value when retreiving the DSS value using (Pega-RULES:Utilities).getDataSystemSetting on other nodes. Pulse agent is running on all nodes.

Pegasystems Inc.
The issue here is not about DSS update as the DSS change gets updated fine in the pr_data_admin table and also updated value reflects on the Records --> Sysadmin --> Dynamic System Setting page (in the behavior reported node). However, when we open the rule (by clicking on the row) from this page, the rule copy which opens is stale.
SR-B36268 has been opened for investigating this further.
Accepted Solution

Common Wealth Bank
This issue is resolved as part of the SR-B36268. The issue is because of migration from 6.X to 7.X has not be done in a proper way.