
Tetrasoft India Private Limited
Last activity: 23 Aug 2018 14:25 EDT
Drag and Drop control behaves differently in IE11 than chrome | CRMHC 7.31 on Pega 7.3.1
While using CRMHC 7.31 on Pega 7.3.1
When "drag and drop" is used in chrome, the behavior is improper as the attachment is attached twice or the browser hangs.
Refer attached document for the exact scenario with screenshots.
As the behavior is proper in IE11, but not in Chrome, kindly suggest if some work around or HFix is needed for this.
***Edited by Moderator Marissa to add SR Details***
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Accepted Solution

Pegasystems Inc.
Upon reviewing the associated SR, I see that it was resolved and SA-59393 File browse drag and drop fails on Chrome was generated as the resolution.
If you have the same question, please refer to the above SA.

EPAM Systems, Inc.
This needs to be investigated through an SR. Though for initial input, could you share the fiddler and tracer capturing the use-case?

Tetrasoft India Private Limited
Hi Asif,
I cannot share Tracer and fiddler from here but have analysed and as per tracer can see that the difference in rule execution for chrome and IE11 occurs at step 2 of "pzWebStorageOkToAttachFile"
In IE11, step2 runs successfully and step 3 is executed but not in chrome.
As the behaviour in IE11 and chrome is different always, I suspect it to be a known scenario.
A quick check that whether it is a known issue or not will help.

Pegasystems Inc.
It sounds like drag and drop and file browse both work fine. It's when you test and uncover this edge case is where it fails. What I mean by that is, the user here has chosen the file browse option. But now they have changed their mind, but not fully by dismissing the dialog and drag dropping but rather they attempt to drag a file from the file browse dialog into the drag and drop target?
I'm not sure how typical or realistic this use case is, but if you feel you might have uncovered an edge case that needs addressing it will likely require an SR to fully investigate this.
Rafsan Ahamed

Pegasystems Inc.
If you do end up opening an SR, please comment back with the SR ID so that we may track for you!
Thank you!
Anton Shlyapugin

Pegasystems Inc.
FYI - a customer just recently created an SR for this (SR-C35543). I've requested the fiddler and tracer logs.
Accepted Solution

Pegasystems Inc.
Upon reviewing the associated SR, I see that it was resolved and SA-59393 File browse drag and drop fails on Chrome was generated as the resolution.
If you have the same question, please refer to the above SA.