
Last activity: 3 Jul 2024 17:55 EDT
Download Manager Component in Pega Studio
Where to get the Download Manager Component in Pega Studio V22.1.31? I don't see the component in the Toolbox
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Accepted Solution
Updated: 2 Jul 2024 0:56 EDT

Pegasystems Inc.
@AsvinthS17189176You actually get this while interrogating your application. Right-click on your application in the Palette and select "Add Download Manager". This adds it to your application.

@ThomasSasnett Thank you so much buddy 🙂

@ThomasSasnettI have added the Download Manager in the Palette and it’s getting matched when doing the interrogation but when it’s run the project, it’s throwing an exception like “Control Not Matched”. Please need your advice

Pegasystems Inc.
@AsvinthS17189176 It doesn't match per se. It is a component, so you don't need to check if it is created. It is present in the Application when it is running. Are you able to show me your automation? When I tested, I simply used the WaitForDownloads method. Use the Setup to click the button to start the download. Use the "downloadStartTime" parameter to pause the component for a period of time before the download starts. Sometimes when you click on a link to download, the page has to gather that information before beginning the download. If you have your "downloadStartTime" the download won't be started yet, and the component will return "Not Started". Use the "timeout" parameter as the maximum time you want to wait for the download to finish. When the component returns, it will return the status of the download and a list of the files downloaded (or still in-progress). This is a list of type OpenSpan.Adapters.Web.WebBase.DownloadItem. You can pass this list to a ListLoop to iterate through each one and get information about each file downloaded. On the ListLoop, you can right-click on the word "Item" and select Advanced-->Treat "Typed item" as...-->Pick type and select OpenSpan.Adapters.Web.WebBase.DownloadItem.

@ThomasSasnett Could you please assist me on the below error


Pegasystems Inc.
@AsvinthS17189176You should use the Setup link from the WaitForDownloads method to trigger the download (call PerformClick on the link or button control to initiate the download). In this case, you are starting the application and then immediately waiting for downloads. Since nothing is triggering the downloads to happen, it would always return "Not started". I would suggest you add a WaitForCreate for your download link or button and then click that control off of the setup link. I believe once your page matches you would not get this error, however as coded, this still wouldn't actually cause a download to happen.

Download Link in the page getting true and Download Manager is still throwing an exception [Control Not Matched]. In the Palette, as you can see that it's not matched. Please share the sample solution for my reference.

Pegasystems Inc.
@AsvinthS17189176 I will attach mine. There is a bug with attachments being looked at, so to attach a file, you must reply to the original post. Replies to comments are not accepting attachments at the moment. If possible, would you please attach your solution? It appears to be from a public site.

Pegasystems Inc.
@AsvinthS17189176Here is my sample solution.
Updated: 3 Jul 2024 11:10 EDT

@ThomasSasnett Thanks for your solution and i have attached mine for your reference which is working fine as expected in the Edge browser but in the Chrome, still facing the same exception.

Pegasystems Inc.
@AsvinthS17189176 I am not sure why yours does not work. It is not working for me either. If I can determine why, I will let you know.