Does Pega 6.3SP1 support database mirroring?
Does Pega 6.3SP1 support database mirroring?
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Does Pega 6.3SP1 support database mirroring?
As there is no such mention in support guide I don't think it is supported. You can verify the support guide as well.
Also check below discussion
Hope this helps.
Thank You.
Thanks! Shekhar. Looks like Pega does not support this configuration but technically, it works as long as database support automatic failover. Do you agree ?
It looks like that but it's little experimental so Pega can't provide assurance I believe.
Thank You
Here is a link to a post where customer was using Oracle golden gate. I know that there is at least one customer who uses golden gate successfully. I think there are some tables that you do not want to replicate if you are using golden gate in an active-active configuration but in general it works.
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