
Last activity: 13 Jun 2024 3:30 EDT
DOB property needs to be displayed in MMYYYY format using edit input rule
Hi Team,
I have a requirement where customer enters DOB in MM/DD/YYYY format and the in the next section the DOB property needs to be displayed in MM/YYYY read only format, Please help me how can i achieve this using edit input rule
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Maantic Inc
You can instead use functions such as String pxFormatDateOnly(String strDate,String strCurrentPattern,String strFormatPattern) or String FormatDateTime(String strDateTime,String strPattern,String strTimeZone,String strLocale).

Lantiqx Systems India Private Limited
In datatransform use this function to change the date format of your required property, remember once you change the format it will remain permanent so if you want to use two formats try to copy this format value to some other property and display in section
please use below function

@Prasad Reddy Muddam Can i achieve this using Edit input ?If yes can you help me??

Eclatprime Digital Private Limited
@SamreenB0648 You can use FormatDattime Function with below style. @DateTime.FormatDateTime(@DateTime.addToDate(.ValidFrom,0,0,0,0),"MM/YYY",NULL,NULL)

@Somil Shukla Can i achieve this using Edit input ?If yes can you help me??
Updated: 13 Jun 2024 3:35 EDT

Eclatprime Digital Private Limited
In Pega we have these below rule OOTB present of datetime.
you can Utilize one of the rule, Datime must be appropriate.
Basically you can also try to change these from your presentation tab of property while showing on the UI . Format can be changed anytime using those options.

Pegasystems Inc.
@SamreenB0648 - In the next section include the datetime control with the same property and in presentation tab add the settings present in the screen shot.
Thank you.

@Priyanka Boga Can i achieve this using Edit input ?If yes can you help me??

Pegasystems Inc.
@SamreenB0648 - Yes, make the edit options as "Auto" and enable check box " Display value using read-only formatting".On tab out the date format will be displayed as per our custom format.
Thank you.