Displaying a property populated from an external database in a case
For the project I am currently working with we need to pull data from an external database, display it in a form where the users can edit it, and then save it back to the database when they are done. I have set up an activity that pulls data from a table, and populates a value list property with the results of the query. Once this property is populated, I am not sure how to display it to the user. If I try to add it as a field to a case, it tells me the property already exists. I've also looked into using a screen flow, but I not sure how this would be launched. I attempted to add the process to a case but it is not launching it properly. I've also put the property on a section and put it in a harness for the screen flow to use, but the harness is saying that it can not render the section. Does anyone have some suggestions on how to proceed?
***Edited by Moderator Marissa to update categories***