
Tata Consultancy Services
Last activity: 24 Mar 2018 0:57 EDT
To display date & time in EST time zone on UI as - 02-Mar-2018 07:53 AM
Hi Team,
Would you please assist on below and to achieve the functionality?
Getting date format as string from external system as - 2018-03-02 07:53:16. 000907 EST on service page and while storing it in new property in Pega in EST and we need to display on UI as 02-Mar-2018 07:53 AM in EST only.
Please note our server is in MST time zone.
I tried with FormatDateTime & addToDate function but was not able to achieve the requirement completely.
Please suggest on the same.
Kind Regards,
Raghav Jha
01-Mar-2018 07:53 AM