Display Charts and data in an email including Report definition and correspondence rule
Hi All,
I am able to generate the bar graph and data with grouping, while executing the standalone report definition. But could not able to capture the details in a section and send to users as an email to view the statistics in the similar pattern.
Alternative approach – 1. Using Tree grid in section 2. And including the section in correspondence rule – I was able to display the records in the row wise without grouping. And managed to the display of the reports with inline styles.
Looking for an optimal solution to send the mails, to display the bar graphs and generated data (similar to design while we generate the data using the standalone report definition)
Any suggestion please?
Quick summary:
Expected the below scenario to be displayed in an email with the bar graph and details with grouping:
Country1 State1 City1 Count
City2 Count
State2 City1 Count
City2 Count
Country2 State1 City1 Count
City2 Count
State2 City1 Count
City2 Count
Current - Using Grid Repeated layout, I was able to display the details in the below pattern. But i was looking for other option to display as details with the grouping in the email (including the look and feel enhancement as part of email)
Country1 State1 City1 Count
Country1 State1 City2 Count
Country1 State2 City1 Count
Country1 State2 City2 Count
Country2 State1 City1 Count
Country2 State1 City2 Count
Hi All,
I am able to generate the bar graph and data with grouping, while executing the standalone report definition. But could not able to capture the details in a section and send to users as an email to view the statistics in the similar pattern.
Alternative approach – 1. Using Tree grid in section 2. And including the section in correspondence rule – I was able to display the records in the row wise without grouping. And managed to the display of the reports with inline styles.
Looking for an optimal solution to send the mails, to display the bar graphs and generated data (similar to design while we generate the data using the standalone report definition)
Any suggestion please?
Quick summary:
Expected the below scenario to be displayed in an email with the bar graph and details with grouping:
Country1 State1 City1 Count
City2 Count
State2 City1 Count
City2 Count
Country2 State1 City1 Count
City2 Count
State2 City1 Count
City2 Count
Current - Using Grid Repeated layout, I was able to display the details in the below pattern. But i was looking for other option to display as details with the grouping in the email (including the look and feel enhancement as part of email)
Country1 State1 City1 Count
Country1 State1 City2 Count
Country1 State2 City1 Count
Country1 State2 City2 Count
Country2 State1 City1 Count
Country2 State1 City2 Count
Country2 State2 City1 Count
Country2 State2 City2 Count
Any suggestions?