Devops Circular dependency
Hi :
After installing and hopefully configuring Devops and a pipeline for my application i try to execute a deployment and it gets frozen .
Loking to the error log i see this ->
Hi :
After installing and hopefully configuring Devops and a pipeline for my application i try to execute a deployment and it gets frozen .
Loking to the error log i see this ->
:53 CEST 2018 Total memory: 4,416,077,824 Free memory: 1,778,674,624 Requestor Count: 15 Shared Pages memory usage: 0% Current number of threads: 147
2018-04-16 16:58:53,801 [egaRULES-MasterAgent] [ STANDARD] [ ] [ ] ( internal.async.Agent) INFO - System date: Mon Apr 16 16:58:53 CEST 2018 Total memory: 4,366,270,464 Free memory: 3,310,308,656 Requestor Count: 16 Shared Pages memory usage: 0% Current number of threads: 147
2018-04-16 17:05:55,175 [jsse-nio-8442-exec-9] [TABTHREAD0] [ ] [ IecisaDe:01.01.01] (rnal.rules.AssemblerHelperImpl) INFO|xxxxxxxx- ruleMessageName = (Pega-Pipeline-CD-DemoBlue010201)pxMultipleConnectorsOfHighestLikelihood not found
2018-04-16 17:06:01,783 [jsse-nio-8442-exec-1] [ STANDARD] [ ] [sFoundation:02.01.01] (ndler.Pega_Int_Pipeline.Action) INFO|xx.xx.xx.xx|Rest|cicd|v1|task|AZGTRIBFK4T0AXM2S9X1XLX0UCLCKEQQC - Task status processing started. Task:publish,FlowName:pzPublishRAP, Flow action Name:pzPauseTask Build id:PEGA-PIPELINE-CD DE-1, status:FAIL, message:Internal processing error.** Circular dependency detected: PegaDevOpsFoundation:01.01.01 is built on PegaDevOpsFoundation:02.01.01 - this is not supported for applications with more than one built on application.
** Incorrect password specified.** Update record failed: ** Circular dependency detected: PegaDevOpsFoundation:01.01.01 is built on PegaDevOpsFoundation:02.01.01 - this is not supported for applications with more than one built on application.
.pyConfirmPassword: Incorrect password specified..
Who is this password ?
Why is a circular dependency here ?
In fact Deployment Manager is Build with pega 01 but the Devops fundation that i installed in development environments 02 . The tutorial says nothing about this and the Deplyment Manager Version is 02 .
Any help ?