
Last activity: 5 Oct 2015 4:19 EDT
Determine duplicate records in a list of records.
Hi ,
In our system, Rendering a set of list of records on the screen in which duplicates may exist,so need to find out those list of replica records by considering 4 properties among many.
and system should alert the user about the duplicate records by displaying the error message ,as need to display the "X" error message at the records which are duplicates.
Let's assume 5 records are exist , and 1 &3 are duplicate ,so error message gets displayed at 1 and 3 records when user trying submit the action.
I'm thinking, it couldn't be done by using a Validate rule, as each record has to compare against all remaining records to find out duplicates .
I would prefer to do it in post activity of action,and Error Message can be flash on top of screen by using Page-Set-Message.
How do we display the red 'x' mark at the specific rows which are duplicates.?
Please suggest me if we have a best approach to highlight the duplicate rows.