Detach/reattach an text/application adapter for reuse purposes
Hi all,
This is my first time posting, so I will introduce myself a little bit. My name Niels Lewerissa and I'm currently developing robotics solutions within a large insurance company in the Netherlands for about 7 months.
With the "large company" in mind, we are currently struggling to conceive a good solution for reuse of earlier created adapters. The thing is that when we need screens from an earlier created text adapter, we have to interrogate them again into the new adapter (or do some manual copy pasting in te source files).
So at first we were looking into creating a seperate login text adapter and an other adapter for the business logic. Then we could quickly make a reference to login part and reuse it. But there isn't a "stop and unhook" option and neither a "rehook" to an already running application. So when you stop an adapter is stops the application as well.
I know this functionality is not around at the moment, but we trying to find a proper way to reuse adapters without to much copy pasting, because if some screens change we have to go into all the seperate solutions and change all the solutions that are using the adapter. We are currently creating one big adapter that holds all the screens and in that way it can be reused, but it is growing quickly at the moment and maybe to the point that it becomes to big to manage.
Any input and/or ideas are very welcome!