
Last activity: 9 Sep 2016 10:34 EDT
Delegating a rule to user
can i delegate a rule to user otherthan a mgr, if possible where i have to find that delegated rule in user portol?
***Updated by Moderator: Marissa. Removed user added Ask the Expert group tag. Apologies for confusion, shouldn't have been an end-user option***
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Accepted Solution

Pegasystems Inc.
First of all, your user should have the right privilege to modify the rules. Normally manager access group ( which is cloned from PegaRULES:WorkMgr4, has the required privilege ).
Once you give the sufficient privilege, post that , you have to configure your end user portal in such a way that they can see the Configuration option which generally shows all the delegated rules.
See this article for details :


Areteans Technologies
You can see the delegated rules under Configuration or My Rules option in end user portal

Thanq for your responce, but where to find that configuration & Myrules in user portol, plz find the attached file

Areteans Technologies
Hi subrahmanyamk4554,
The link appears once at least a rule is delegated, else open live UI of the left menu pyPortalNav rule and from there you can open the navigation rule pyCaseManagerLinks where you can remove the visibility condition of Configuration if you want to show it always.
Please find the attachment.

Areteans Technologies
It displays based on pzIsDelegatedRulesAvailable when rule, when at least one rule is delegated you can find the link appearing in menu. To see delegated rules you can visit System-User-MyRules in App explorer and find the instances.

Areteans Technologies
Hi subrahmanyamk4554,
Did that worked in displaying the delegating rules?