
Last activity: 24 May 2019 5:33 EDT
Declare expression Context Execution Behavior
I am working on declare expression rule.
1. In context behavior one of the option is:
When the top-level page is of the Applies To class, or one of the following:
It means Declare expression would run on top level page of same applies to class or in classes specified in list.
I have created a top level page of Org-ABC-Data-Employeedetails class and set property to page like DOB with some value in activity.
I have a declare expression created on Age (forward chaining) in ABC-WORK-Test class.
In Age declare expression i have selected When the top-level page is of the Applies To class, or one of the following:
and mentioned Org-ABC-Data-Employeedetails.
Age is not getting calculated in Created top level page.
Same with Regardless of any pages it is embedded in. Not working for me.
2. Only when the top-level page is of the Applies to class:
When i use this option in Declare expression and create a page in activity of same applies to class.
It is working for me. In newly created page, DE executes and age is getting calculated for me.
Kindly let me know what changes i have to make so that other two options will work as expected.