
Prime Therapeutics LLC
Last activity: 6 Aug 2019 11:34 EDT
Decision Table Condition - Property Value = NULL
We have an application that applies goal seek to a series of decision tables(maintained by business) that uses an uploaded set of property values that are used as conditions to define an output(action) and sometimes be the value of an output. Currently there are a number of Date properties that we only need to reference if they have a value and when there is no value the user is being prompted for the dates unnecessarily.
Is there a way for us to update a decision tables conditions to be able to reference if a property is NULL without triggering goal seek? Such as a condition column with a function applied to a property that returns a value based on if the value is NULL? For example IF propertyX IS NULL THEN "true" ELSE "false". Any function that can be used to determine if a property is NULL would be valuable, it does not have to meet this exact criteria.
We are effectively trying to bypass goalseek for certain properties on certain tables without fundamentally changing how the application works.
Thank you in advance for your help!