Bits In Glass
Last activity: 10 Jul 2017 2:57 EDT
DB Datatype to be casted with Pega's Property.
Hi, I have a requirement to filter a property, which has different DataType at DB level and Pega.
A property named PurchaseDate is created with DateTime. so inDB it is saved as TimeStamp.
Presently, this was made as withdrawn and re-saved with Date Type. now in the Application, no errors were found.
but, during reporting when used with a report-definition. i am able to fetch the PurchaseDate as TimeStamp eg: 201707T000000.00 GMT
when i filter using a report browser, the value is taken as date rather than datetime. so it was returning an error:
** An error occured on executing the query for the report definition - Class is mapped to table (removed the table name) in database pegadata , which has column of unsupported type Date : code: <none> SQLState: <none> Message: <none>
I tried using toDay function alias. but no luck.
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