
Tata Consultancy Services Ltd.
Last activity: 14 Feb 2017 2:34 EST
Date format input via a calendar changes when logged in from a different machine.
Hi ,
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I am facing this issue. In the screenshot - DateLogin1 we can see a date time input from a calendar.
Now the date format is DDMMYYYY. Following is the presentation in the section.
Now with the same settings when I log in through my id in another machine having no relavant check-outs I see the date format changes in the UI
Hi ,
The screenshots did not get uploaded properly. PFA the screenshot word
I am facing this issue. In the screenshot - DateLogin1 we can see a date time input from a calendar.
Now the date format is DDMMYYYY. Following is the presentation in the section.
Now with the same settings when I log in through my id in another machine having no relavant check-outs I see the date format changes in the UI
Now the format is MM/DD/YYYY instead of DD/MM/YYYY. Also the months and days showed like 1/18 instead of 01/18 like in the first case.
Is the format that we get depend on something in the local system that we are working on?
Thanks in advance
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