
Atos Syntel
Last activity: 20 Dec 2019 1:18 EST
datapages/mrucapacity - Maximum number of D pages
Below statement is from a PDN article Link here
By default, the Pega 7 Platform can maintain 1000 read-only unique instances of a data page per thread. You can change this value by editing the dynamic system setting datapages/mrucapacity. There are different data page instance containers for the thread, requestor, and node level. Each user can have both requestor-level and thread-level data pages up to the limit established. Additionally, each node can have any number of requestors, and each requestor can have many threads
A thread can have a limit of 1000 D Pages, there is no limit mentioned for Requestor and Node, does it mean that a node/requestor level D page will be copied to every thread that calls it or will it be kept in a common place and all threads refer from it.
***Moderator Edit-Vidyaranjan: Updated Platform Capability***