Last activity: 5 Nov 2017 8:21 EST
Data Tranform Design time Rule Reference issue
Hi, i am using Pega 7.1.9... facing issue with Data transform rule which i suspect Product issue.
I have a DataPage of type List of Object class "Data-Itineraries", since it is list type, this data page is created in Code-Pega-List class and using source as DataTransform for simulation.
Now in DT i need to populate .pxResults, i used "Append and MapTo" action and then using "Apply Data Transform" action to call one more DT. Since in Pages and Class i have mentioned .pxResults is of class Data-Itineraries, in "Apply Data Transform" action" it is giving me option to choose DT's available in Data-Itineraries class. But when i try to save, it is throwing error "Instanace not found in Code-Pega-List" class.
Why the hell it is looking @Code-pega-List ??
To overcome problem i created placeholder DT's with same name in Code-Pega-List and i could able to save the rule. Now in run time it is properly executing DT's of Data-Itineraries class
Am i doing any mistake here ? or Product bug ?