Creating a PDF from a work object
This is my first post in Mesh, so hopefully I'm doing this right.
I need to create a nice looking PDF from a work object, and not necessarily while viewing the work object in a browser, but also from an agent activity. I've read the various PDN articles regarding this with summary and list views, and have successfully created a PDF in 6.1 and P7 PE. Our immediate need will be in an 5.4 instance. I believe the 6.1 methods will also work in 5.4.
To get the PDF created, I had to create a new 'master' section to stream the work object through the HtmlToPDF method and use a Code-Pega-eForm and Connect File to write the PDF. While you can read the PDF content, it is quite ugly. Also, I don't really want to create a new section rule just to write the PDF. I'd like to use a Review harness and get a nice PDF from that.
Does anyone have some suggestions?
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