
National Account Service Company LLC (NASCO)
Last activity: 24 Feb 2017 9:03 EST
creating external table for data types
we ceated a data type and then used pega generated DDL to get xternal table created & mapped to class. we did couple of modfications to generated DDL - dropped two columns PZPVSTREAM BLOB & PZINSKEY.
but now we are getting bellow error for all px, py, pz properties, are we doing something wrong ?
Class AA-CS-CSD-Data-Groups is mapped to foreign data table SCHEMA.pr_AA_CS_CSD_Data_Groups in database PegaDATA , but it contains a px, py, or pz property: pxCommitDateTime
***Updated by Moderator: Vidyaranjan. Removed user added Ask the Expert tag. Apologies for confusion, shouldn't have been an end-user option***