Blue Rose Technologies
Last activity: 1 Nov 2024 8:35 EDT
CORS error when trying to run a pega webembed from a custom HTML file from browser
We have created an application on constellation in pega labs.
created a web embed to create a case.
created a html page with this web embed code and then placed it in our local machine tomcat.(to launch it as http://localhost:8080/docs/WebEmbedTest_XYZ.html)
when the html is run from the browser then it asks for credentials and successfully showing the pega case.
which means web embed is working fine with basic auth.
Problem scenario :
1. we have created a authentication service /prweb/PRWebLDAP1
2.generated the web embed code again and updated the pega URL with this URL created in step1.
3. Now when we try to load the HTML page in the browser then it shows
Cross-Origin Request Blocked: The Same Origin Policy disallows reading the remote resource at (Reason: CORS request did not succeed)