
instasmart software solutions
Last activity: 7 Nov 2022 5:11 EST
Convert word document to PDF
I have a requirement to convert Word Document to pdf,
I tried to convert but I'm not able to convert it,
Can any one please give solution for my query
Thanks in advance
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Accepted Solution
Updated: 7 Nov 2022 5:11 EST

Pegasystems Inc.
@LakshmanKumarT I believe we have provided you with all possible workarounds available to you at this time.
The enhancement request is still active but there is no timeframe if this feature will be implemented OOTB.
Updated: 17 Oct 2022 10:05 EDT

Pegasystems Inc.
@LakshmanKumarThota this question has been raised many times on the forum. See here here and here.
There is no OOTB but you can refer to this documentation:
Please can you see if the details provided in Convert Docx (Word document) to PDF in 8.1 and above forum discussion help resolve your issue?
Also see PDF Generation patterns wiki details.

instasmart software solutions
@MarijeSchillern Thank you so much for your reply. I will go through the links.
Is there any any OOTB to preview the word document?
In my requirement slight changes have done, so I want preview the word document.
I searched in PDN also, I didn't find any useful content. Could you please suggest any solution to do that?
Thanks in advance

Pegasystems Inc.
@LakshmanKumarThota the original question was logged about how to convert Word Document to pdf.
Can you tell me what you have implemented so far?
Does the discussion Convert Docx (Word document) to PDF in 8.1 and above resolve that issue?
Please can you clarify what you mean with regards to wanting to 'preview' the word document?
If your use case is the following, then note that there is an existing enhancement request for this:
Preview before Word generation (FDBK-74912)
Currently, Users are: Generating & Downloading Word> Open Word> Make corrections/changes to Word content, Save> Attach Word to Case
This is a lot of time.
Request is to show a preview, make changes to content with in Pega if required and then generate Word and attach to case automatically.
I will check with the SME's to see if they have any plans for integration and if I hear back I will update you on this forum thread.
Updated: 1 Nov 2022 8:47 EDT

instasmart software solutions
@MarijeSchillern Thanks for your time.
Till now what I have done so far is, By using word template I'm generating docucuments
After that we used to download and see the document, but our requirement is without downloading I want to preview the document.
For this, I need some suggestions to do!
As you said before generating document also we can preview and edit? Is it Possible?
If it is possible in pega, then it is very helpful like before generating the document user can recheck the word document.
Exapmle :If word document have any errors, then user will rectify the errors and sent for the document generation.
If it is possible to do in pega, it is helpful our requirement!
Thanks in advance and I'm waiting in a positive way

instasmart software solutions
@MarijeSchillern Actually Our requirement got changed slightly.
Like earlier we have a requirement of conversion from word to pdf but the requirement got changed.
Could you please find out the above post for the new requirement

Pegasystems Inc.
@LakshmanKumarThota You can have a look at This can be used to preview the word documents inline. But please note you would need Snowbound License in order to use this component.

instasmart software solutions
@SumanKumar Thank you for your reply
I have seen that, actually it is payable component and it takes some time as well
Could you please tell me any other alternatives to preview the word document.
Thanks in advance
Accepted Solution
Updated: 7 Nov 2022 5:11 EST

Pegasystems Inc.
@LakshmanKumarT I believe we have provided you with all possible workarounds available to you at this time.
The enhancement request is still active but there is no timeframe if this feature will be implemented OOTB.