
Banque de France
Last activity: 9 Nov 2022 6:50 EST
Context Lost : Pega try to find rule on work- class instead the class of the case
Hello ,
On Production , we are facing a intermittent problem related to something looks like a context lost. For example, sometimes during processing a survey case (a screenFlow with questions to answers by Yes/No), users are facing error while answering to a question .
When we are looking on PDC, we can see that Pega try to find rule of type RULE-PEGA-QUESTIONGROUP on the workclass (-Work) instead of the specfific class of the case (Cnam-ACCS-Work-Journey-Survey-General-InitAssess)
We can also notice that before Exception occurs, we have 2 alerts SECU001 on PDC with message :"Unexpected properties received in HTTP request : Rule-Obj-Activity : pzSetAnswerToProperty"
Theses types of errors are occuring also on others cases on the application and sometimes user is facing a blueScreen Pega due to a RunTime Excepetion related to a RuleNotfoundExceptions (for example Pega try to find section on work class instead the class of the case currently procesessed)...
Thanks in advance.
Best Regards
Lecourt Valentin
***Edited by Moderator Marije to add Capability tags***