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Appmajix Technologies
Last activity: 26 Mar 2018 11:17 EDT
Consuming REST servce from PEGA 7 with HTTP Header parameter
I am not a PEGA developer. But this question is for any PEGA developer/admin. This is about an issue which I noticed recently while trying to integrate my application (using REST service) with PEGA 7.
I created a REST service from my application and hosted it with OAuth 2.0 authentication. PEGA application has to consume my service.
Using any REST testing tool such as Chrome's REST console, APIgee, etc., I was able to test my REST service by just passing the http-header param as [param name: Authorization & param value: OAuth ].
But PEGA had an issue in directly supplying the http-header parameter to test my service from PEGA PRPC application.
I am not a PEGA developer. But this question is for any PEGA developer/admin. This is about an issue which I noticed recently while trying to integrate my application (using REST service) with PEGA 7.
I created a REST service from my application and hosted it with OAuth 2.0 authentication. PEGA application has to consume my service.
Using any REST testing tool such as Chrome's REST console, APIgee, etc., I was able to test my REST service by just passing the http-header param as [param name: Authorization & param value: OAuth ].
But PEGA had an issue in directly supplying the http-header parameter to test my service from PEGA PRPC application.
My Questions for PEGA developers/Admins are,
- is it difficult from PEGA to add a header param in http calls
- On request, PEGA screen was shared with me while a developer attempted to test my service from PEGA. During which I noticed that PEGA did not have any trace logs to capture the exact http request that was generated. Is it true that we could not see the http request (header/body) that was generated from the REST connector tool?
Link to my question on stackoverflow website: I am not a PEGA developer. But this question is for any PEGA developer/admin. This is about an issue which I noticed recently while trying to integrate my application (using REST service) with PEGA 7.