
Last activity: 29 May 2018 10:02 EDT
conditionally control execution of parent agent only after all the allocated sub agents using queue for agent method or activity complete of their tasks in pega
Hi All,
i want to conditionally start (Allocator Advanced agent) only after all the allocated sub agents(standard agents) complete of their tasks using queue for agent method or activity in pega.(after periodic wakeup , i want to control the execution of all steps or only few steps in the calling activity based on the count of total pending queued messages left to process for the calling sub agents)
how to write the Activity called/executed by the Parent/Allocator agent(Advanced agent) periodically on subsequent wakup to first check,if there are pending queued messages(count of) for the child agents to process , if present skip the allocation of messages to the sub agents and end the activity, until next run of Parent/Allocator agent(Advanced agent)