
Last activity: 28 Feb 2023 8:15 EST Caused by The cover open count is incorrect; it is -1
I noticed on the logs that I have this error message that I cannot locate the source or correct. Do you have any idea please? Caused by The cover open count is incorrect; it is -1
Thank you,
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Pegasystems Inc.
@CHERIFIF it would help if you could provide more lines relating to the final error.
In general these kind of error message come when you are working with the child case and populating data back to parent case during the post processing. Usually that error is because the child case of the current work object is still open.
Can you please confirm that are you doing any data propagation back to parent case?
These issues are caused due to pxCoveredCountOpen value, which pertains to child case resolving and status update issues.
Following links might be useful with respect to cover count issue
Please read all the design suggestions given in those articles. If you have followed the guidelines and the 'caused by' and other Tracer errors do not give you any further troubleshooting ideas please provide the below:
@CHERIFIF it would help if you could provide more lines relating to the final error.
In general these kind of error message come when you are working with the child case and populating data back to parent case during the post processing. Usually that error is because the child case of the current work object is still open.
Can you please confirm that are you doing any data propagation back to parent case?
These issues are caused due to pxCoveredCountOpen value, which pertains to child case resolving and status update issues.
Following links might be useful with respect to cover count issue
Please read all the design suggestions given in those articles. If you have followed the guidelines and the 'caused by' and other Tracer errors do not give you any further troubleshooting ideas please provide the below:
- Please check the tracer to debug further.
- Can you specify what Pega version you are on?
Please see the below Resolved Issues link for 8.2.x and beyond fixes: (do a Ctrl F page search for the word 'count'):
Updated: 7 Apr 2022 10:20 EDT

Hi @MarijeSchillern,
Thanks for your feedback. You give me very useful leads on which I can check. I noticed that each time this exception is thrown,just befor, we observe this log :
(CRM_Work_SendAFileToACM.Action) INFO - Delete Attachment: Link-Attachment pzInsKey LINK-ATTACHMENT XXX-XXX-CRM-WORK YYY-BFO- GMT linked to Data-WorkAttach pzInsKey DATA-WORKATTACH-FILE XXX-XXX-CRM-WORK WBE-BFO- GMT
Do you think that help?
For the data propagation, i don't know because i'm trying to resolve a bug that I don't know where came from.
Updated: 7 Apr 2022 10:51 EDT

Pegasystems Inc.
@CHERIFIF If you have reviewed your activities involved for SendAFileToACM, any manual COMMITs and steps in your child case flows, and if you are unable to determine the cause, then I think it would be best if you log a support ticket.
Please can you provide the Incident number here on the forum question so that we can help track progress and resolution?

Yes of course, I will share it when I have finished the investigations.
Thanks very much,

UST Global
I also faced a similar issue were the SLA was in broken queue which caused the case to struck in WB (assignment containing SLA was routing to that WB).
SLA has call activity which resumes flow, but it went to broken queue post that,
Also just before this error in logs i can see "Rule-Obj-Activity:ResumeFlow;java;RULE-OBJ-ACTIVITY ASSIGN- EXECUTESLA "
Does this means that when SLA was trying to process the case, it was open by operator due to which it was not able to acquire lock?

Pegasystems Inc.
@AshishC28 I think it would be best if you open a support ticket for this. They can go through the logs and investigate more fully. Feel free to provide the INC reference here, once you log it on the MSP.