
Last activity: 8 Mar 2023 10:36 EST
Comparation of string of strings
Hi team
I am very new in pega. I am need to do a comparation of two string of string values with comma separators to see what element of the first one are present and missing in the second one, doesn’t matter the order of the words.
I am trying to do it via data transform(there I have more steps)
I declare The first string as
param.list=“María , Martha, Mercedes, Megan”
I build the second list extracting and concat one value present in a data page, it have the same structure
param.list2=“Mercedes, Martha”
I need help to clarify how I can do the comparation between the both string of strings, in a way that allow me know that
Mercedes and Martha are present in the second list, Maria, Megan are missing
I really will appreciate your knowledge and time