Close button in Customised section not working
Flow structure-- Flow A- Starter flow, Flow B is called inside this
Flow B- First assignment connector refers the FA with the Premium section, then we are referring a screen flow C.
We have added the below HTML code in the customised Premium section for adding a close button and returning to main flow A.
<button id="closePrem" name="close_premium_btn" type="button" class="pzhc" data-ctl="" data-click="[["showHarnessWrapper",["current","Can-FW-ABCFW-work-Submission","MNPWorkArea","GoToReviewProgramFlow","PAInitiated:","pyWorkPage","Yes","","Yes","",":event","","",""]],["refresh", ["otherSection","AllocationMain", "", "&=", "", ",",":event","","pyWorkPage"]]]"><div class="pzbtn-rnd"><div class="pzbtn-lft" data-click=".."><div class="pzbtn-rgt" data-click="..."><div class="pzbtn-mid" data-click="...."><img src="webwb/zblankimage.gif" alt="" class="pzbtn-i">Close Premium<img alt="" src="webwb/zblankimage.gif" class="pzbtn-i"></div></div></div></div></button>
Flow structure-- Flow A- Starter flow, Flow B is called inside this
Flow B- First assignment connector refers the FA with the Premium section, then we are referring a screen flow C.
We have added the below HTML code in the customised Premium section for adding a close button and returning to main flow A.
<button id="closePrem" name="close_premium_btn" type="button" class="pzhc" data-ctl="" data-click="[["showHarnessWrapper",["current","Can-FW-ABCFW-work-Submission","MNPWorkArea","GoToReviewProgramFlow","PAInitiated:","pyWorkPage","Yes","","Yes","",":event","","",""]],["refresh", ["otherSection","AllocationMain", "", "&=", "", ",",":event","","pyWorkPage"]]]"><div class="pzbtn-rnd"><div class="pzbtn-lft" data-click=".."><div class="pzbtn-rgt" data-click="..."><div class="pzbtn-mid" data-click="...."><img src="webwb/zblankimage.gif" alt="" class="pzbtn-i">Close Premium<img alt="" src="webwb/zblankimage.gif" class="pzbtn-i"></div></div></div></div></button>
We are having the above code in flow B from which we want to go back to flow A. Instead we are getting the same Premium section reloaded inside the harness of flow A.
This same HTML code is working when called inside screen flow C to return to the main flow A.
Note:- We need a solution to this urgently. Thanks in Advance.