Last activity: 7 Aug 2017 7:24 EDT
Clickable events in fusion chart
We are using fusion chart to display gantt chart, we are able to pass data and populate it in gantt chart. we have requirement to have clickable events when
user clicks on dataplot, in fusion chart dataplotevent allows to have event in data plot, but i am not sure how to configure in pega, please suggest if anyone
have any idea.
Below is the task tag, kindly suggest how to add dataplotevent. please let me know if any other informaion is required.
" <task processid="<pega:reference name="$THIS.xxxxxx" mode="normal"/>" start="<pega:reference name="$THIS.Start" mode="normal"/>" end="<pega:reference name="$THIS.End" mode="normal"/>" mode="normal" link="P-detailsWin,width=400,height=300,toolbar=no,scrollbars=yes, resizable=no-"/>"