
Last activity: 12 Sep 2019 13:10 EDT
Clear pages after non-use in Data Page
In the help, I found this contradictory sentences :
"For read-only data pages with a scope of Requestor or Node, select the Clear pages after non-use check box to force the system to delete the clipboard instances of the data page after an interval passes with no access."
"Read-only data pages are never passivated. If a requestor or thread is idle and gets passivated, all read-only data pages in that requestor or thread are cleared and reloaded the next time they are referenced, whether or not Clear pages after non-use is selected."
In both the above paragraphs, they have mentioned Requestor also. So for Requestor scope, do we need to check that checkbox or not?
***Edited by Moderator Marissa to update platform capability tags****