Class "XYZ" is mapped to a foreign data table "ABC" in database PegaDATA, but it contains px,py or pz properties error.
a newly created database table is mapped to an existing data class and while testing the connectivity of the data class with the database table i am receiving below error-
Class "XYZ" is mapped to a foreign table "ABC" in database PegaDATA, but it contains a px,py or pz property : pxCreateDateTime.
Class "XYZ" is mapped to a foreign table "ABC" in database PegaDATA, but it contains a px,py or pz property : pxUpdateDatetime
Class "XYZ" is mapped to a foreign table "ABC" in database PegaDATA, but it contains a px,py or pz property : pxObjClass
Can someone please help me identify the rootcause and fix for this?.