
Cognizant Technology Solutions
Cognizant Technology Solutions
Cognizant Technology Solutions
Posted: Mar 5, 2020
Last activity: Mar 8, 2020
Last activity: 8 Mar 2020 8:31 EDT
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How to convert time as mentioned below.
Ex 22:45:39 to 10:45:39 PM
***Edited by Moderator Marissa to update platform capability tags****
When you use Data time control, you will have an option to choose the format in Read-only format in the Presentation tab.
Hi RoshanPrasadR,
Can you share where exactly you want to change the format of the time? This will help to provide you a concrete answer.
Petar Hr.
Hey PetarHR , we are getting Time as input from external system in 24 hr format, and to display that in a section in 12 hr format.
Hi Roshan,
You can use the @FormatDateTime(@DateTime.CurrentDateTime(),"hh:mm:ss a","IST","en_IN") to format the server time to 12-hour format on passing the required timezone and locale format.
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