Accenture GmbH
Last activity: 25 May 2018 9:59 EDT
Caught Exception while validating SAML2 Authentication response protocol : For input string: ""
In SAML , configuration - After entering userID and Password in SSO Login page , following message is shown - Caught Exception while validating SAML2 Authentication response protocol : For input string: ""
Steps :
1. Configure SAML Auth service
2. Import IDP metadata
3. Create self signed certs and add in SP signing certificate, Decryption certificate.
4. Enter SSO URL in a new window and enter Login Details.
After redirecting the page the following error is shown - Caught Exception while validating SAML2 Authentication response protocol : For input string: ""
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Accenture GmbH
Pega Version used - 7.3.1
Pegasystems Inc.
My favorite way to debug SAML authentication is by using the SAML Chrome Panel plugin. Usually you'll find something stands out as being missing in the posted XML.
If you can paste the full stack trace that would be helpful.
Accenture GmbH
Thanks Allen ,
I have attached the SAML Json coming out of Chrome Panel plugin. Most of the data Looks normal but at
"Name": "P3P"
"value": "CP=\"ADFS doesn't have P3P policy, please contact your site's admin for more details.\""
Any observations here is really helpful.
Accenture GmbH
In continuation to above post -
While doing a remote trace of PYSAMLWEBSSOAUTHENTICATIONACTIVITY (Pega-IntegrationEngine:07-10-31), it is noticed that the Parameter page before executing step-1 has blank values. (pyQueryMap , pyPostDataMap, pyQuerystring etc.) because of which the activity Exits before creating datapages , Operator mapping etc.
Attached the sequence of steps executed.
Pegasystems Inc.
The response in your attachment is encrypted. You can try decrypting it here:
Consider having your identity provide disable encryption until you can logon. Then add the encryption back in.
Post the stack trace from the PegaRULES log
Accenture GmbH
Please find Pega log attached.
Pegasystems Inc.
Thanks. You'll definitely need to get your response in clear text, it is failing to validate somehow.
Accenture GmbH
Is it possible to decode cipher data in pega ? Based on the decryption certificate I should be able to decrpyt and store in pega before processing.