
Last activity: 23 May 2016 11:19 EDT
Care Management, Pateint Wo not coming in Recent list.
Care Management, Pateint Wo not coming in Recent list.
1. Logged into Care Management
2. Launched Cm Care Manager portal
3. Searched patient, list appears in below gris
4. Clciked and Opened a patient.
5. Recent item in Left Navigation Panel is not updated.
However, if we open the patient from worklist or craete/open any work object(Goal,Task,Problem,case....), recent list is updated.
Tried with setting .pyExecute.pyAction == "showHarness" in step 1.1, in rule Work-.pyAddRecentListItem. It didn't work.
Declare_pxRecents is responsible for populating the recent list.
Any help or suggestions.