Cannot create Data Transform rule
I'm here in the course:
- Setting property values automatically
- Exercise: Initializing the list of dependents for married or partnered employees
- Initialize the Dependents page list if the employee is married
First of all, step 2 does NOT work:
- Under Benefits Enrollment, right-click Data Model and select +Create > Data Transform. The New Record form appears.
- Right-clicking does not do anything, but I can go to the top, click Create+, and select "Data Model" > "Data Transform".
- The "Create Data Transform" screen shows, and I enter into the top Label "Initialize spouse, per step 3.
- The next field below is called Context, with field "Apply To", and here is where I'm lost.
- I can type a C or D there, and get various selection values. WHICH ONE TO USE? (see screenshots C and D)
- I've tried many different ones, let's say I picked this one: "TGB-HRApps-Data-Dependent", and clicked Submit.
I'm now in this screen: "Edit Data Transform: Initialize spouse[Available]
- Now I performed steps 5 through 9:
- In the top row, under Target, enter .MaritalStatus == "Married/Partnered".
- In the second row, under Target, enter or select .Dependents(1).Relationship.
- Under Source, enter "Spouse/Partner".
- Click Save.
The result is an error screen with 2 bad values (see screenshot ERROR).
What should I do?