
Last activity: 26 Aug 2020 8:41 EDT
Can you find a database table column size from the developer portal
I recently had to create an index to expose some data for a report. We tried a few column sizes and eventually decided on what we wanted the column width to be. I wanted to check and make sure the column width had been changed as I put in the SR but I'm not sure how to get to it and find out if the value has been changed. Can you walk me through the process?
To be a bit more specific: I wanted to have acceptance criteria in my report in the PMF environment. This data is not exposed so we created a declarative index to expose the data. I asked for the column length to be a specific size (1024) without specifying CHAR. So I put in an SR to have the length changed to 1024 (actually finally decided on 2048) CHAR. I want to make sure they have resized the column but I'm not sure how to find it in Designer Studio Developer Portal.