Can we download this software for personal training purpose?
Can we download this software for personal training purpose?
Does this get billed to our enterprise?
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Can we download this software for personal training purpose?
Does this get billed to our enterprise?
Hi Karthik,
You can download Pega Platform Personal Edition for training purposes. Here are the links to process the downloads- Get Personal Edition . Read more here- Pega Platform Personal Edition .
For other products, the Digital Delivery acts as a one stop destination for customers and partners to have access to their licensed Pega software.
Now, you can request downloads yourself instead of creating a media request on My Support Portal. Stay current, request upgrades here as well.
Hope that helps!
Hi Vidyaranjan,
I understand but as the digital delivery has the frameworks so can we use this as part of training.
Hi Karthik,
I would reach out to your Account Executive to ask about pricing for any downloads.
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