Can i place a declare on change and trigger on same property?
Can i place a declare on change and trigger on same property?
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Can i place a declare on change and trigger on same property?
Hi Durga,
Thank you for your response. I am aware of how these 2 rules work, my only question is can i apply both rules on same varibale. Will it have any issues? please suggest.
Can some one help me with a answer?
You can do it. But it is preferable to configure trigger activities to run in background
Hi Santanu
when you say "You can do it. But it is preferable to configure trigger activities to run in background" does it mean configure activity type from "Trigger" to "aynchronous"
is it achieved by setting Execute value to activity run:
"In Background on Copy
— The activity executes in a new requestor, outside of the context of forward chaining. The activity should include a Commit method. (This activity cannot use Obj-Save with Write Now checked, but can use all other methods."else how to achieve this Behavior if we have to leave activity type as "Trigger"
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