
Maveric Systems
Last activity: 18 Mar 2020 3:51 EDT
Can consider as challenge too
I have trying trying to automate office 365 login page and i could not. no one has given clear idea about the issue though i have posted 3 questions in this platform. Can anyone automate office login page successfully. i could not able to automate office login page with web / universal web adapter. can anyone guide or else you consider this as a challenge too. and here i will be waiting for the working automation flow screenshot.
(Note - signin automation for already created account)
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Accepted Solution
Updated: 18 Mar 2020 3:51 EDT

Pegasystems Inc.
Here is a sample solution. I coded it to only work when you are fully signed out. You might look at the screenshots to help you get to the right screens. If you see an option to "forget this user", then you will likely need to click that to make everything work as coded. Of course, you can modify to suit your needs. You will need to execute some JavaScript to trigger the Input event when entering the user and password as that event is not available from the RaiseEvent method. I did try using SendKeys, but that was not working properly and using the script is a better option anyway. There is a slight pause required after executing the script to allow the page to accept the input. I set it to 500ms which seems like more than enough time.

Pegasystems Inc.
I think the majority of the issues you've posed recently are due to you using an older version of Pega Robotics with a newer build of Windows 10. If possible, you might need to request an updated build of Pega Robotics compatible with your Windows version.
In terms of automating Office 365, I am not sure what you would do after login as any interactions with Word or Excel are done with the Office Connectors once you've saved the files to your desktop.
This isn't the best of sites to produce an example for since it has several permutations based on whether you have logged-in before, your region, etc and is also pretty dynamic. One thing you'll need to be aware of is that the text fields for entering credentials require you to raise the OnKeyUp event after you have set the text for it to know text has been entered.
Updated: 5 Mar 2020 8:37 EST

Maveric Systems
Thanks for response. Could you tell me the process to request for an updated build version? I do not know how to request for it.
and onemore thing regarding office 365, i am not able to login using any browser. Using chrome and firefox not even able to enter the text in the username field(In office 365 login page). i want to automate this login page and i hope you will help to fix the issues.

Pegasystems Inc.
A new version of Robot Studio and Plug In has been uploaded to the Pega Robotics System Architect Essentials course and can be downloaded from the Completing the exercises lesson.If you are a licensed customer, then you can download a later version from the digital delivery portal.
To automate the login for the website you mentioned, you'll need to raise some JavaScript events, but it is possible to login.
Marissa Rogers
Updated: 17 Mar 2020 2:04 EDT

Maveric Systems
Thanks for the response. i tried with the some of the raise events while automating office 365 login page. If i use universal web adapter(chrome/firefox), not even able to identify the username textbox field and it is not entering username into it. if i use web adapter (IE browser), it identifying the username textbox field and the value is being entered. but when i click on next button it is not navigating to next page. (Note: while entering username using IE browser the placeholder is not being removed and on the top of the placeholder, username being entered. so while clicking on next button, its showing error like "Username cannot be blank". i think its considering as null). I have not get the solution yet. Any help would be appreciated.
Accepted Solution
Updated: 18 Mar 2020 3:51 EDT

Pegasystems Inc.
Here is a sample solution. I coded it to only work when you are fully signed out. You might look at the screenshots to help you get to the right screens. If you see an option to "forget this user", then you will likely need to click that to make everything work as coded. Of course, you can modify to suit your needs. You will need to execute some JavaScript to trigger the Input event when entering the user and password as that event is not available from the RaiseEvent method. I did try using SendKeys, but that was not working properly and using the script is a better option anyway. There is a slight pause required after executing the script to allow the page to accept the input. I set it to 500ms which seems like more than enough time.
Updated: 18 Mar 2020 3:48 EDT

Maveric Systems
Thanks TSANETT . It is working now. Thanks a lot.