
Zensar Technologies Ltd
Last activity: 20 May 2023 23:52 EDT
Bulk Update Case | 504 Gateway Time Out.
Often we get requirement to bulk update cases. For ex 2000 cases in application and we need to set value of one property in these 2000 cases.
We do this by using Bulk update activities. But when we run this activity we often get error 504 GATEWAY TIME OUT.
What is the best way to do bulk update?
And why we get this 504 error while doing bulk update with activity.
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Accepted Solution
Updated: 20 May 2023 23:52 EDT

Bits in Glass
@AbhishekC1725 yaa sure you can. Your scenario is to do bulk update on frequent basis or do you have any screen to trigger this bulk update?

Bits in Glass
@AbhishekC1725 you can use queue processor to execute the activity so it will run in the background. This should work fine.

Zensar Technologies Ltd
@Anoop Krishna Can we use Job Scheduler also for running this activity?
Accepted Solution
Updated: 20 May 2023 23:52 EDT

Bits in Glass
@AbhishekC1725 yaa sure you can. Your scenario is to do bulk update on frequent basis or do you have any screen to trigger this bulk update?

Zensar Technologies Ltd
@Anoop Krishna you can on 4-5 months/ quarter end/ or when we need to introduce new field in our application case and set some default value on that field.

Bits in Glass
@AbhishekC1725 is there any reason why default value is not during case processing itself?

Zensar Technologies Ltd
@Anoop Krishna No specific reason as per my knowledge.

Bits in Glass
@AbhishekC1725 okay, then better to keep the default value setting in case processing itself.

Zensar Technologies Ltd
@Anoop Krishna Ok Thanks.