
Last activity: 20 Jul 2022 6:26 EDT
Bulk Case Creation
I have a requirement to create case from a file and the files will be huge with lots of records.
So file listener will parse the file and insert the records in a staging table. Job scheduler will pick the cases from the table and queue it to Queue processor for case creation. We want the QP to create the case and not continue with the case processing.
We are looking for alternatives instead of using the wait shape because it will be processed by SLA and all cases will have to wait till the other cases are processed. Is there any solution to improve the performance? We tried to queue the case to another queue processor after case creation from the flow but that doesn't work. The first queue processor still continues with the case processing and it doesn't stop the processing after queueing the case.
***Edited by Moderator Marije to add Capability tags***