John Lewis PLC
Last activity: 4 Sep 2018 5:13 EDT
Browser Bitness in openspan studio
We wish to upgrade our application from x32 bit to x64 bit, I have checked the 'Browser bitness' property of an adapter and the only two values that are available to me are 'Default' and '32 bit', where 'Default' is also equal to '32 bit' (according to google) ; Could you please tell me how could I upgrade my system to 64 bit please?
The version of the studio(product) I'm using is ' Proprietary information hidden'
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Pegasystems Inc.
You would need to install the 64-bit version of Windows. You should leave the browser bitness on the default setting. That way, the solution you create will use whatever you have configured the machine to use.
John Lewis PLC
Ok, thanks but I'm a little confused between 'Browser bitness' property of an adapter and the 'Debugger paltform' property of a project.
Could you please explain a little.
Thanks in advance.
Pegasystems Inc.
The BrowserBitness property should only be changed if your website or the plugin that it is using requires the 64-bit version on Internet Explorer. You'd need to look into Visual Studio documentation as to what the Debugger Platform specifies.
John Lewis PLC
My open span runtime runs in 32bit, would I have to download a 64-bit runtime environment? or can I make config changes such that it runs my application in 64bit if I can, request you to please mention how?
sushma ag Ajay Wayne
Pegasystems Inc.
Runtime will use the correct bitness. There is no separate install for a 64-bit version.
John Lewis PLC
Also, How can I verify if my application is actually running in 64bit or not in a runtime environment?
Pegasystems Inc.
Search RuntimeLog.txt for your StartPage url, there should be logs with full path to the iexplore.exe:
Info | 10:56:45.217 AM | 4 | MTA | Windows Adapter | Web_Application1 | | Starting Process - Target: , Path: C:\Program Files (x86)\Internet Explorer\iexplore.exe, Dir: C:\Program Files (x86)\Internet Explorer, Args: -restart -noframemerging, Timeout: 10000
Info | 10:59:36.191 AM | 4 | MTA | Windows Adapter | Web_Application1 | | Starting Process - Target: , Path: C:\Program Files\Internet Explorer\iexplore.exe, Dir: C:\Program Files\Internet Explorer, Args: -restart -noframemerging, Timeout: 10000