
Morgan Stanley
Last activity: 30 Nov 2018 0:01 EST
Batch Indexing request failed. Possible cause: Quorum not met for writes to succeed. Action: Remove any offline nodes as index nodes
Please guides resolution for exception "Batch Indexing request failed. Possible cause: Quorum not met for writes to succeed. Action: Remove any offline nodes as index nodes"
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Pegasystems Inc.
I believe this means that the number of index host nodes online doesn't meet the minimum requirement for elasticsearch.
You need to have at least ((total number of index host nodes) / 2) + 1 online for elasticsearch to work.
So if you have 6 nodes listed as indexing host nodes, at least 4 must be online ((6 / 2) + 1).

We also have similar issues in single node environment and the Node is online.
Indexing started working fine when we remove the node and add back.
Any Idea, What could be possible reason for such error in Single Node Environment?

Pegasystems Inc.
Hello RaviTheja,
In search landing page the nodeid would have configured wrongly and that’s the reason after restart node id automatically picked up by the system and search started working .
So always check in case of single node the system node id is right .
Let me know if you have any other questions .

Pegasystems Inc.
No, that was not the Case.
Below was the incident ,
Rule Index and search was working fine but work search was not working which means Node ID is correct, when i check the status in landing page using check status of Each index, Rules was fine but work and Data are corrupted. I tried to reindex and got mentioned Error.All i did is remove the node and added it back with exact same details .After this reindexing is working fine.
So Node id is no the issues there should be some things else.

Pegasystems Inc.
Could you please share us the logs for the day you have faced the issue .
Are you seeing any hazelcast related exception in the logs ?

Pegasystems Inc.
Sorry , logs are cleaned up .
Will capture and share logs when it happens again.
No I did not see any hazelcast exception in logs.

Pegasystems Inc.
Did you get a chance to try this

Morgan Stanley
Thank you Nick.
But does that mean its must to have multiple nodes?
We are running PRPC on single node and is enough for our scale. Also I see node as online

Pegasystems Inc.
Can you share the search landing page screen shot. Do you also see Pega0084 alert?

just remove the node from the Search index host node setting
submit it then add the node again & run the index
Suresh Narayana